Joseph Letzelter says online printing is useful for printing business cards, custom flyers, personalized posters, brochures etc. There are different types of online printing methods like offset printing, direct to plate and digital. Offset printing is usually done with the help of rubber blanket. This blanket has been transferred the printing image from a plate, and then is used to actually “stamp” the ink on the paper. An image setter is used to make the film that will be used to generate the metal printing plate.
Joseph Letzelter finds digital printing very effective. It is a fancy form of color photocopying. It doesn’t vary too much from the regular printing that anyone can do in their home with their computers and an inkjet printer. In this method, the image is sent directly to the printer; no film, no plates. For low-quality printings, this is the most cost-effective solution, although for bigger bulks offset or direct-to-plate should be used.
Joseph Letzelter found that this new online printing method, direct to plate printing is very effective for businesses. It is similar to offset method, except for one thing: the metal plates are made directly from a computer file rather than from film, which cuts down costs.
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