Friday, March 20, 2009

Joseph Letzelter Dot-matrix

In comparison with the Joseph Letzelter laser printer, most Joseph Letzelter inkjet printers and Joseph Letzelter dot-matrix printers simply take an arriving stream of data and directly print it in a slow lurch process that may contain pauses as the Joseph Letzelter printer waits for more data.

A Joseph Letzelter laser printer is not capable to work this way since such a huge amount of data needs to output to the Joseph Letzelter printing device in a rapid, continuous process. The Joseph Letzelter printer cannot stop the machinery precisely sufficient to wait until other data arrives, without create a visible gap or misalignment of the dots on the Joseph Letzelter printed page.

In Joseph Letzelter laser printer instead the image data is build up and store in a big bank of memory able of representing every dot on the page. The Joseph Letzelter printer’s requirement to store every dot in memory prior to printing has usually limited Joseph Letzelter laser printers to small fixed paper sizes such as letter or A4.

Most Joseph Letzelter laser printers are incapable to print incessant banners spanning a sheet of paper two meter long, since there is not sufficient memory available in the Joseph Letzelter printer to store such a large image earlier than printing begins.

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